Rainwater Harvesting Drawing | Rainy

Rainy: Your One-Stop Destination For Rain Water Harvesting Services

Rainwater harvesting refers to collecting and storing rainwater from various surfaces such as rooftops, parks, roads, and open grounds. This collected water can be used for various purposes or recharged into the groundwater system.

This is where Rainy comes into the scene. We understand the importance of conserving rainwater to improve water availability in the upcoming years. Since we already have a turbulent water future, our mission lies in eliminating the current inefficient water management practice and solving the water crisis through our well-planned rainwater harvesting drawing and strategies.

Our company's mission is to conserve rainwater through continuous innovation.We specialize in designing and building scientifically engineered rainwater harvesting systems that are affordable, high-quality, and easy to maintain.With our research facility, including a Hydraulic Testing Lab equipped with the latest machinery, we pride ourselves on being leaders in rainwater harvesting technology.

Install Rainy Filters for Effective Rain Water Harvesting

We aim to provide an end-to-end solution for installing rainwater harvesting systems, including ongoing R&D and patented products. One of the most effective products we offer includes the Rainy filters. Here are the perks of our filters:

  • Modern Technology
  • "Rainy" filters can self-clean by automatically flushing away dirt and are composed of very durable, food-grade material.

  • Easy Installation
  • These filters can be rotated 360 degrees, making them suited for all site circumstances with a good rain water harvesting drawing. It is user-friendly since it can be quickly wall mounted and is self-installable with clear instructions.

  • Dual Intensity Filters
  • The cohesion and centrifugal force principles underlie how our filters operate. This makes it possible to filter when rain fluctuates without impacting efficiency.

  • No External Energy Required
  • It does not need external energy and operates on the gravitational force. Installation on any building is possible due to the system's low gravitational head of only one foot.

  • Wide Range
  • Several variants are available to fit rooftop spaces between 110 and 500 square metres. The gathered water might be sent to an existing borewell, an underground sump, or other water reservoirs.

  • Cost Effective & Affordable
  • The lack of moving parts in "Rainy" filters prevents wear and tear. This makes them durable and requires a single, low-cost purchase.

    So, if you, too, want to reap the benefits of installing rainwater harvesting filters, choose us for the service. We are just a call away and would happily guide you with our rain water harvesting drawing services.