Rainwater Harvesting in Tamil Nadu | Rainy Filters

Different Ways of Rainwater Harvesting in Tamil Nadu

Collection, storage, conveyance, and purification of rainwater running off from parks, rooftops, open grounds, and roads for later use is called rainwater harvesting in Tamil Nadu. Though rainwater harvesting technology is the same throughout all procedures, the scale of the system tends to differ. Rainwater harvesting procedures in Tamil Nadu may follow the same principles but differ in aesthetics and effectiveness. Let’s explore some of the most common ways used to harvest rainwater in Tamil Nadu.

Rain Barrels

One of the most common methods to harvest rainwater is using rain barrels, which involves installing barrels at gutter downspouts to collect rainwater. You can use recycled barrels for this purpose or use the new commercially available varieties. The best thing about using rain barrels for rainwater harvesting in Tamil Nadu is that the process can be implemented very easily by anyone at any residence. Barrels are easily available online and at varied stores, and they only take up a little space, fitting in perfectly.

Dry System

A variation of the rain barrel set, the dry system method of rainwater collection offers a larger storage volume. The dry system features a pipe that directly empties collected rainwater into a tank top and remains dry after each rain event. The main advantage of the dry system of rainwater harvesting is that it helps to collect and store large quantities of rainwater. Besides being perfect for areas experiencing infrequent rainfall with larger storm events, it is a less complicated system that does not require any maintenance. However, it can be expensive to implement.

Wet System

The wet system of rainwater harvesting involves setting up rainwater collection pipes underground and connecting them to several downspouts from varied gutters. When rainwater fills the underground pipes, water rises in the vertical pipes and spills into the tank. However, for effective rainwater collection, the underground collection piping and the downspouts should have water-tight connections, and the elevation of the tank inlet should also be below the lowest gutter on the house. Wet systems can collect rainwater from the entire collection surface and multiple downspouts and gutters. Another advantage of this system is that the tank for collecting rainwater can be located away from your residence.

Creating the Perfect Rainwater Harvesting System in Tamil Nadu

Creating the perfect rainwater harvesting system in Tamil Nadu involves effectively using different components. Though using all the components is unnecessary, the major and most important ones can help create a highly functional and maintenance-free rainwater harvesting system. The steps to create the perfect rainwater harvesting system in Tamil Nadu are as follows:

  • Consider your roof surface as the main point for rainwater harvesting in Tamil Nadu.

  • Next, ensure all the gutters have gutter protection screening to prevent large debris from entering them.

  • You can use any shape or type of gutter to collect rainwater; there’s no need for a special gutter to harvest rainwater.

  • Ensure proper filtration of collected rainwater by installing a rain head downspout filter with self-cleaning options.

  • Next, install a first-flush diverter to prevent the first flush of polluted rainwater from entering the collection tank.

  • Install a tank screen at the tank entry point and an insect-proof flap valve at the end of the overflow pipe to keep pests and mosquitoes away. Remember, rainwater collection tanks are available in varied materials and sizes. So, learn about the different varieties early on, consider what works for your situations, and then make the ultimate choice.

  • Install an auto-fill system to keep a minimum amount of water in the tank at all times. This is crucial for rainwater tanks connected to automatic irrigation systems, as it helps prevent the pump from getting dry.

  • Choose the right pump system to distribute rainwater easily or connect it to an in-ground irrigation system. You must also install an irrigation filter to catch large debris that may have run through the pump.

  • Going for a water level indicator can also help you monitor water usage from the rainwater collection tank.


Rainwater harvesting is the best procedure to address the water crisis globally. It is one of the most incredible solutions for areas with sufficient rainfall but insufficient groundwater supply. Nevertheless, to set up the most efficient and sustainable rainwater harvesting system in Tamil Nadu, you can take the help of Rainy. Contact them now to set up the right rainwater harvesting system and contribute immensely to society.